Saturday, April 5, 2008

If I had a detective agency, it would look just like this. 


Anonymous said...
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superbadfriend said...

OOOH! You should totally go in there and demand a job!

Still miss ya. *sigh*

Leslee said...

Holy crap! That's so cool!!! Did you go in? You totally should have!!! That's where your french Harry Dresden is, I just KNOW IT!!! (Either that, or you could suggest they call themselves the "Dingo Detective Agency" and play "Private Eyes" when they would like to call a meeting like some other totally way awesome detective agency!)

Leslee said...

parapluie is a wonderful word.

S.C. said...

When Leslee and I were younger, we were the proprieters of the Dingo Detective Agency. We had dossiers and everything, all kept in the box our Dingo boots came in. Someday, it'll be back in business.