Thursday, May 1, 2008

I don't speak French. I speak French Food.

So, after 27 days in Paris, that is the conclusion I've come to. I can wing it (or gesticulate it), but really, my French is not so good. But my ordering is impeccable. Or at the very least, it gets me food and wine. So I'm fine with that.

(And for those wondering, I never had an issue with my "not-so-good French for a few reasons.

1. In the city, many people speak English. In the country where people don’t speak English, people appreciated any attempt, no matter how butchered. They know it’s hard.)

2. I tried. I said s’il vous plait and merci and bonjour(nee) and bonsoir(ee). I said excusez-moi de vous déranger. I said monsieur and madame. I looked up key words or phrases when I knew I had to ask something specific, but otherwise I winged it. So thank you, Alliance Française for teaching me enough French to feel comfortable even when I wasn’t speaking it.