Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy Passover!

Matzoh ball soup for the soul.

No, that's not a crepe with a cherry on top. It's a potato pancake with a cherry tomato on top. Along side a grilled kebab. 

Tonight for dinner I went to Pitchi Poi, a vaguely Russian/Polish/Eastern European restaurant around the corner from my apartment. Despite not being a kosher (cacher en français) restaurant, (I know because several people stopped in to ask) they were serving a special Passover menu, as well as their regular menu. No bread on the table, only matzoh. And you could get (which I did) potato pancakes instead of blinis.


Leslee said...

That looks so yummy!! I can't wait for Sunday Brunch at the Ritz! We're so fancy...

S.C. said...

Just call me Aunt Mary Fancy Pants. (Well, don't. But Sunday Brunch at the Ritz does sound lovely. And I will wear my fancy pants.)

Kristina Wright said...

I want Sunday Brunch at the Ritz!

It does look quite delicious! I love potato pancakes!